Woodbridge Christian Church
The purpose of Woodbridge ChristianWomen’s Ministries is to meet the needs of all Woodbridge Christian Church Women through prayer, devotion, encouragement and fellowship.
Christian Growth
God’s Kingdom
Therefore, since through
God’s mercy we have this
ministry, we do not lose heart.
II Cor. 4:1
Bible Study: A time for concentrated study of the Bible. Meets Wednesday mornings 10-12 noon the Church. Bring a sack lunch to share. Contact: Kay Coy
Programs: Arranges for programming and special speakers for the Women’s Fellowship Meeting. Publicizes upcoming WCF programs.
Special Events: Special events can include baby showers, bridal showers, special occasion events, the annual Christmas party. Contact: Margie Casterline
Retreats and Educational Programs: Promotes education through an annual retreat or attendance at locally available programs. Team keeps members informed of issues and community events as they relate to women. Contacts: Barbara Cottman or Norma Pleau
Missions and Prayer: This program serves the needs of the community and the Church. The focus is on prayer for missions and support for mission events. Contact: Kay Coy
Sanctuary Improvement: This group enhances the look of the sanctuary through seasonal decorations, and special touches. Contact: Pat Blevins
Outreach: This area is responsible for contacts with new members or returning visitors. Contacts are made by telephone and correspondence. Contact: Mary Smith
Cook Book: The WCF is sponsoring preparation of a cookbook. Proceeds will benefit the varied programs of the Church. Contact: Janet Edwards
Women’s Fellowship: A special fellowship time for adult women of the Church. Included are prayer, devotions, information on women’s events in the Church and local area, and programs of current interest. Meets September through June, Church Sanctuary, 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM. Contact: Judy Humphrey
Hospitality: Caring for the Church family is important to women of the Church. This team sends cards to those who are ill, who have lost a loved one, who are celebrating a special occasion. This team also arranged for flowers for people in the hospital and for meals for those in need. Contact: Joy Black or Glenda Campbell
Young Adults Away From Home: Rememberingour young people away from home with cards, gift boxes, etc. Contact: Mary Cook
Sisters Three: A program to promote fellowship and caring among women and families of the Church. The group prays for each other and celebrates special events. Contact: Mary Cook
Sunday School: Sunday morning, 9:15 am. A class for women. The studies concentrate on special studies designed for women. Other classes are also available. The Women’s Class meets in the Conference Room. Contact: Judy Humphrey
Judy Humphrey 494-6162
Leader – Women’s Ministries
Sunday School Class
Mary Smith 494-2914
Joy Black 441-2485
Pat Blevins 590-6900
Sanctuary Improvement
Margie Casterline
Special Events
Glenda Campbell
Hospitality – Co-Chair
Mary Cook 878-0653
Sisters Three
Kids Away From Home
Barbara Cottman 497-6814
Retreat Chair
Kay Coy 730-6594
Missions and Prayer
Bible Study
Norma Pleau 494-9946
Retreat Co-Chairman
Programming Co-Chair
Janet Edwards 670-6583
Cook Book
Carol Ekins 878-9431
Programming Co-Chair
Quotes for Thought
I try to look at each relationship I’m in – whether it’s short-term or long-term, and pray, Lord, what would you have me say? I might sow a seed, I might be the waterer, or I might be the harvester. I try to determine by my questions and how they are answered what role I could take to bring them [family and friends] one step closer to God.
Becky Tirabassi
YOU are worthy to rejoice and be happy in the Lord!